Hello I'm Vismaya Kalyan

Pursuing Masters in Computer Science | Programmer | Software Engineer


Customer Relationship Management System

Developed a Customer Relationship Management System which allows user to add, update, delete customers. This was implemented using Spring MVC, Hibernate and MySQL database.

Vending Machine System

Model Driven Architecture: Designed and Implemented a system which can work for separate models of Vending Machine. The Architectural patterns used for this project are State Pattern, Abstract Factory Pattern and Strategy Pattern. The Class Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams and purpose of each Class was documented. (JAVA)

Data Collection and Analysis using Twitter API

Included collection, preprocessing of data, performing community detection to cluster users, perform supervised classification to annotate tweets with their usernames. (Python)

Detection and Localization of potholes

Completed a project on detection and localization of potholes in Asphalt Pavement Images using Histogram of Oriented Gradients and contour detection. (OpenCV, python)

Weather App

A JavaScript App that uses darksky Api to get the Weather information. As darksky doesnt allow request from made use of https://cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com/ to successful request. Icons used from https://github.com/darkskyapp/skycons

IMDb Review

A javascript app which uses OMDb API and jquery to get information about movie searched. Based on the search keyword it shows all the movies with that particular keyword and when a specific movie in the search result is selected shows information on that movie.